Development Discussion


In the broadest sense both Personal Development and Leadership Development “does what it says on the tin”! We can help individuals, teams and organisations improve their non-technical skills and confidence to meet the demands of the workplace in a structured, focused way.

In its simplest form, Development is a catch all name for anything that helps you (or any team) improve their non-technical knowledge or skills (e.g. presentation skills, time management, influencing skills, etc.).

Development as a technique covers a wide range of activities/actions including reading, counselling, coaching, shadowing, “on the job” learning as well as attending specific training courses.

By helping with both a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and the creation of a subsequent training plan or by designing and delivering assessment/development centres we can provide bespoke, tailored and relevant interventions that with bring a real benefit to the organisation.

We can then of a series of bespoke and “off the shelf” training courses to fill any gaps identified.

We can also help develop and improve work teams, align them to their own and the organisation’s goals and improve working relationships between teams, customers, suppliers etc.

  • Improves skills for dealing with your work and other people
  • Greater knowledge
  • Greater awareness of yourself and others
  • Clearer goals
  • More focus on achieving goals
  • Improves skills for dealing with each other
  • A stronger team spirit Improved working relationships
  • A better knowledge of the team’s strengths and key skills

I can provide bespoke personal development training for individuals or I can design and deliver specific courses for your team and run them in-house.

Visit John’s Portfolio

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