
Constructivist Coaching is a form of collaborative and co-active coaching helping you change your mindset, improve your confidence, enhance your personal and professional/business performance in your current role and prepare you for your next role or help you in a career transition.  It can be carried out on line or in person.

Coaching is a forward looking, 2 way process specifically aimed at helping you improve, and make the most out of, yourself, your skills and attributes.  The sessions can be carried out on line or one to one in person as appropriate.

In reality what this means is that, wherever in the world you are, we’ll listen to you and help guide you to getting what you want! By using a combination of questioning, listening, feedback, goal setting and motivation we can help you identify where you want to be in the future, define how you are going to get there and help you make the right steps to move towards achieving your specific life goals or resolve any current issues you may have. It is about helping you change “you” and achieve your potential.

Using a variety of tools and techniques we will support, feedback and help you identify your current situation, explore your options and put in place action plans to improve your skills, knowledge and competencies.

You will explore your skills, attitudes and behaviours either by the completion of relevant questionnaires or as part of structured questioning. This will help you gain a greater self awareness, generate a workable plan of action that is achievable, realistic and relevant whilst getting constructive feedback in a safe environment.

  • A greater feeling of confidence in your own abilities
  • Improved capability
  • More motivation
  • A clearer direction and meaning in your life
  • Improved relationships
  • A more focused approach to life More ownership of your future
  • An increase in your personal autonomy and More control over your future

Life, career and business coaching and psychometric testing.

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Constructivist Coaching

Constructivist Coaching

These are some of the tools and techniques I’ve found really useful over the years in my coaching and personal/organisational development practice.

This booklet is a result of both my private practice and some workshops I have delivered for various organisations on coaching and/or change management. As a result, it is more of a practitioner’s handbook rather than a theoretical textbook.